Research ArticleHuman Studies
Lesion-by-Lesion Comparison of Computerized Tomography and Indium-111-Labeled Monoclonal Antibody C110 Radioimmunoscintigraphy in Colorectal Carcinoma: A Multicenter Trial
C.R. Divgi, K. McDermott, T.W. Griffin, D.K. Johnson, K.E. Schnobrich, P.S. Fallone, A.M. Scott, S. Hilton, A.M. Cohen and S.M. Larson
Journal of Nuclear Medicine October 1993, 34 (10) 1656-1661;
C.R. Divgi
K. McDermott
T.W. Griffin
D.K. Johnson
K.E. Schnobrich
P.S. Fallone
A.M. Scott
S. Hilton
A.M. Cohen

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In this issue
Lesion-by-Lesion Comparison of Computerized Tomography and Indium-111-Labeled Monoclonal Antibody C110 Radioimmunoscintigraphy in Colorectal Carcinoma: A Multicenter Trial
C.R. Divgi, K. McDermott, T.W. Griffin, D.K. Johnson, K.E. Schnobrich, P.S. Fallone, A.M. Scott, S. Hilton, A.M. Cohen, S.M. Larson
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Oct 1993, 34 (10) 1656-1661;
Lesion-by-Lesion Comparison of Computerized Tomography and Indium-111-Labeled Monoclonal Antibody C110 Radioimmunoscintigraphy in Colorectal Carcinoma: A Multicenter Trial
C.R. Divgi, K. McDermott, T.W. Griffin, D.K. Johnson, K.E. Schnobrich, P.S. Fallone, A.M. Scott, S. Hilton, A.M. Cohen, S.M. Larson
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Oct 1993, 34 (10) 1656-1661;
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