Research ArticleLaboratory Studies
Continuous-Slice PENN-PET: A Positron Tomograph with Volume Imaging Capability
Joel S. Karp, Gerd Muehllehner, David A. Mankoff, Caesar E. Ordonez, John M. Ollinger, Margaret E. Daube-Witherspoon, Arthur T. Haigh and Daniel J. Beerbohm
Journal of Nuclear Medicine May 1990, 31 (5) 617-627;
Joel S. Karp
Gerd Muehllehner
David A. Mankoff
Caesar E. Ordonez
John M. Ollinger
Margaret E. Daube-Witherspoon
Arthur T. Haigh

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In this issue
Continuous-Slice PENN-PET: A Positron Tomograph with Volume Imaging Capability
Joel S. Karp, Gerd Muehllehner, David A. Mankoff, Caesar E. Ordonez, John M. Ollinger, Margaret E. Daube-Witherspoon, Arthur T. Haigh, Daniel J. Beerbohm
Journal of Nuclear Medicine May 1990, 31 (5) 617-627;
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