Research ArticleBasic Sciences
Performance of the Rotating Slant-Hole Collimator for the Detection of Myocardial Perfusion Abnormalities
Osman Ratib, Eberhard Henze, Edward Hoffman, Michael E. Phelps and Heinrich R. Schelbert
Journal of Nuclear Medicine January 1982, 23 (1) 34-41;
Osman Ratib
Eberhard Henze
Edward Hoffman
Michael E. Phelps

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In this issue
Performance of the Rotating Slant-Hole Collimator for the Detection of Myocardial Perfusion Abnormalities
Osman Ratib, Eberhard Henze, Edward Hoffman, Michael E. Phelps, Heinrich R. Schelbert
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Jan 1982, 23 (1) 34-41;
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