Research ArticleBasic Sciences
Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Bleeding by Red Blood Cells Labeled in Vivo with Technetium-99m
Gary G. Winzelberg, Kenneth A. McKusick, H. William Strauss, Arthur C. Waltman and Alan J. Greenfield
Journal of Nuclear Medicine October 1979, 20 (10) 1080-1086;
Gary G. Winzelberg
Kenneth A. McKusick
H. William Strauss
Arthur C. Waltman

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In this issue
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Vol. 20, Issue 10
October 1, 1979
Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Bleeding by Red Blood Cells Labeled in Vivo with Technetium-99m
Gary G. Winzelberg, Kenneth A. McKusick, H. William Strauss, Arthur C. Waltman, Alan J. Greenfield
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Oct 1979, 20 (10) 1080-1086;
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