Index by author
January 1, 1978; Volume 19,Issue 1
Alpert, Nathaniel M.
- You have accessA Model for Regional Cerebral Oxygen Distribution During Continuous Inhalation of 15O2, C15O, and C15O2Rajeshwari Subramanyam, Nathaniel M. Alpert, Bernard Hoop, Gordon L. Brownell and Juan M. TaverasJournal of Nuclear Medicine January 1, 1978, 19 (1) 48-53;
Atkins, Harold
- You have accessSNM Drug Problem Reporting SystemLeonard Ford, Arvin Shroff, Walter Benson, Harold Atkins and Buck A. RhodesJournal of Nuclear Medicine January 1, 1978, 19 (1) 116-117;
Bell, C. M. J.
- You have accessProblems in the Interpretation of the In Vivo Measurement of Calcium by the Argon-37 Method: An Investigation of Inert-Gas Elimination in HumansC. M. J. Bell, M. O. Leach, J. T. Dabek, D. R. Chettle, H. James, B. J. Thomas and J. H. FremlinJournal of Nuclear Medicine January 1, 1978, 19 (1) 54-60;
Benson, Walter
- You have accessSNM Drug Problem Reporting SystemLeonard Ford, Arvin Shroff, Walter Benson, Harold Atkins and Buck A. RhodesJournal of Nuclear Medicine January 1, 1978, 19 (1) 116-117;
Blahd, William H.
- You have accessLeft-Ventricular Ejection Fraction and Segmental Wall Motion by Peripheral First-Pass Radionuclide AngiographyHarvey S. Hecht, Stuart G. Mirell, Ellis L. Rolett and William H. BlahdJournal of Nuclear Medicine January 1, 1978, 19 (1) 17-23;
Bobbitt, J. V.
- You have accessThe Monitoring of Renal Dysfunction in Renal Emphysema by Dual Radiopharmaceutical ScintiscanningTapan K. Chaudhuri, R. Venkatesan and J. V. BobbittJournal of Nuclear Medicine January 1, 1978, 19 (1) 67-68;
Braun, Gisela
- You have accessAn Iodinated Catecholamine Congener for Brain Imaging and Metabolic StudiesThornton Sargent, Thomas F. Budinger, Gisela Braun, Alexander T. Shulgin and Ulrich BraunJournal of Nuclear Medicine January 1, 1978, 19 (1) 71-76;
Braun, Ulrich
- You have accessAn Iodinated Catecholamine Congener for Brain Imaging and Metabolic StudiesThornton Sargent, Thomas F. Budinger, Gisela Braun, Alexander T. Shulgin and Ulrich BraunJournal of Nuclear Medicine January 1, 1978, 19 (1) 71-76;
Brownell, Gordon L.
- You have accessA Model for Regional Cerebral Oxygen Distribution During Continuous Inhalation of 15O2, C15O, and C15O2Rajeshwari Subramanyam, Nathaniel M. Alpert, Bernard Hoop, Gordon L. Brownell and Juan M. TaverasJournal of Nuclear Medicine January 1, 1978, 19 (1) 48-53;
Budinger, Thomas F.
- You have accessAn Iodinated Catecholamine Congener for Brain Imaging and Metabolic StudiesThornton Sargent, Thomas F. Budinger, Gisela Braun, Alexander T. Shulgin and Ulrich BraunJournal of Nuclear Medicine January 1, 1978, 19 (1) 71-76;
In this issue