Volume-of-Interest Values for Various Lesions in Trachea and Larynx

AngleVolume of interestVolume (mm3)Mean (a.u.)SD (a.u)Distance L–A (cm)A/L (%)Ac/Lc (%)
20°Trachea464.82.36 × 10−22.56 × 10−3
Upper artifact500.04.90 × 10−32.56 × 10−32.020.819.3
Lower artifact388.74.95 × 10−33.21 × 10−
Epiglottis849.68.83 × 10−32.01 × 10−2
Artifact tubercle714.83.43 × 10−33.52 × 10−33.038.946.2
35°Trachea527.31.49 × 10−21.91 × 10−2
Upper artifact414.14.29 × 10−34.13 × 10−31.528.836.7
Lower artifact304.74.54 × 10−32.88 × 10−31.530.452.7
Epiglottis541.01.01 × 10−21.97 × 10−2
Artifact tubercle369.14.62 × 10−34.38 × 10−32.546.667.0
  • a.u. = arbitrary units; L = lesion volume of interest; A = artifact volume of interest; A/L = ratio between activities within artifact volume of interest and lesion volume of interest; Ac/Lc = ratio between activity concentrations within artifact volume of interest and lesion volume of interest.